Technical Best Practices Newsletter

From Technical People For Technical People

September 2021 - ARCHIVE

x360Recover Direct-to-Cloud (D2C)

Local cache: Bare metal restores - with no appliance

Axcient x360Recover Direct-to-Cloud local cache delivers high-speed local recovery in case of a data outage - without proprietary local hardware appliances.

And now, you can perform bare metal restores from your x360Recover local cache, too. (Yes, bare metal restores are most often used with hardware but BMR can be applied to virtual machines as well.) Check out the details on BMR from local cache

Axcient's CEO David Bennett and VP of Products Ben Nowacky at XChange+ 2021


FTPS for file and folder recovery in x360Recover

One of the major pain points with backups is the relative inefficiency of the classic file browser. x360Recover 10.9.0 now supports file and folder recovery over FTPS.

x360Recover Manager

Single sign-on access for x360Recover Manager

x360Recover Manager is your web-based "single-pane-of-glass" where you'll consolidate all Axcient BDR deployment, configuration, and management tasks in one place.

Take a quick tour of x360Manager

Virtual Office

Virtual Office: tips and tricks

You can do some interesting things with Virtual Office these days, including:
  • Start the VMs of each server from separate restore points
  • Instantly recover production servers and workstations in the Axcient Cloud
  • Perform regular full recovery tests to ensure backups are always recoverable
Seven-minute Virtual Office spin-up demo

Configure IPsec VPN with Virtual Office and Azure

New! Axcient knowledgebase

In keeping with our motto of "One platform for MSPs to Protect Everything", we've consolidated our Support and Help pages into a powerful, new technical knowledgebase.

Take a look at the new knowledgebase

And don't forget the Axcient blog:

Our blog is a quick place to catch up on the news and happenings around Axcient.

Subscribe here

Best Practices Tip: Submit a Support request

When you need the Support team

The simplest way to contact our Support team is to log in to the x360Portal, click "Create New" and give us all the details right there.

We've provided some fast, easy tools to collect the necessary information, plus you can always track the progress of your request in the same place.

How to create, review and close a Support ticket


Discovered a feature you would like to see?
Submit your idea via our Feature Request form.

Technical Support

All critical issues covered 24/7

General Support 800-352-0248 #2 720-204-4500 #2
Knowledgebase Open a Support ticket Schedule live training
x360Sync Mon - Fri 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM MT
x360Cloud Mon - Fri 3:00 AM to 4:00 PM MT
x360Recover Direct-to-Cloud (D2C) Mon - Fri 24/5 MT
x360Recover Mon - Fri 24/5 MT
x360Recover (BRC/Fusion) Mon - Fri 24/5 MT
All other products Mon - Fri 6:00 AM to 5:30 PM MT

Protect Everything